
Babies are a big flippin' deal

Our friends, Colin and Penny, just gave birth to a beautiful little girl this morning, and I'm so excited about it. I've discussed at length (here, here and here), how fatherhood has affected me, and getting super pumped about new babies is one of those ways. I think what I love about it is that when a baby is born (especially a first born), we're welcoming three people into the world: a new child, a mother, and a father. It's a celebration of parental potential and understanding that has been latent, and then released in one very powerful moment. I can't help but get excited about that.

Welcome to the world, Dullaghan Family.

1 comment:

  1. You're right as right can be. We really are three new people, and Penny and I were just talking about how fortunate it is that New Mom Penny and New Dad Colin still like one another. Love, in fact. Even more so.

    Thanks again for all the insights on fatherhood so far. With many of the emotional milestones I keep encountering with Veda, the moment is made extra sweet by a flash of recognition as I remember you mentioning it beforehand.
